2023 Lucia Lash/Brow Direction

Lucia Lash and Brow currently has five locations in the United States. To avoid any confusion, here are the directions on how to reach our address at each location.

Philadelphia PA

Our address is 1528 Walnut St Suite 522 Philadelphia, PA 19102

We are on 15th and Walnut. The building number is 1528 and it is right next to the QDOBA restaurant, next to Starbucks. We are on the 5th floor.

Manhattan NYC

Our address is 37 West 26th St. Suite 204, NY 10010

We are on 26th St. between 6th and Broadway right next to the Flat Iron Room. The building has a glass door with 37 on it. We are on the 2nd floor Suite 204, inside Spa Zuzu



Queens NY

(Forest Hills) 


Our address is 108-21 69th Rd, Queens, NY 11375

There is NO parking at the property.. The building number is 108-21 which is a white building. The salon is at the basement in the building.


Brooklyn Park Slope

Our address is 300 7th Street., (NOT 7th AVENUE) Brooklyn, NY, 11215

We are inside the Brooklyn Fashion Labo (in the basement).

You need to go to Dainobu Store (a grocery store), then you can see the stairs going to the basement. Go straight, and on the left side you’ll see the curtain of Lucia Lash.



Stamford,CT CT

Our address is 2777 Summer St. Suite 500, Stamford,CT CT, 06905

There is a parking inside of the building. The building number is 2777 which is a brown building. The salon is on the 5th floor inside the orthopedic foundation.

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Honolulu,HI HI

Our exact address is 4614 Kilauea Ave., Suite 202 Honolulu,HI, HI

Adjacent to Kahala Mall, behind McDonald’s on Kilauea Ave. Same building as Subway and Olive Tree Café. We are on the 2nd floor (inside Summer Eyes).


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